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Exclusive domain of fire,ugg boots, a total of three parts: assessment, learning, career ! Different fire monarch said. Among them, each man just entering the exclusive domain of fire, will be part of the first assessment. The assessment, once the failure will die ! Also, if after the assessment is successful, it will get to accumulate a time, the more time to accumulate, during the second part of the study, the more learning time. Time during the study, fully funded by the time of the assessment to set the time, the time to learn a part, will enter the final battles section.

This exclusive domain of fire, with his imagination is completely different ! Young, cheap uggs uk whether to begin the first part - the assessment ? Different fire monarch asked. Before the assessment, you can tell ugg outlet what specifically how the assessment it? Chen Jie know different fields of fire certainly not very simple, I believe this assessment, is very difficult. Assessment, a total of four steps, namely: the power of assessment, defense assessment, rate assessment, and flexible assessment. According to the strength of each different fire fighter enters the domain of the extent of the assessment is not the same, but in the course of the assessment, and it can automatically increase the difficulty factor, the higher the degree of difficulty, time to accumulate get the more !

This assessment should be regarded as a kind of assessment of danger,ugg outlet, but also directly affect the second part of the study time. The second part of the study, specifically what to learn ? Chen Jie then asked. Iso- fire exercises, the outside world will never be the different fire exercises. In studying different fire exercises at the same time, everyone's physique will temporarily become heterotrophic fire, because only the cross-fire of the body physique in order to learn different fire exercises. This cross-fire of the body, can be held until leaving the exclusive domain of fire.

