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Chu electric excitement to mine, like long drought seedlings met water, hard to absorb. However, it is clear that the mine did not absorb so much power. To mine is a huge reservoir electrode, christian louboutin discount, after all, is a personal body ah, the human body limits christian louboutin shoes only about twelve pounds, twelve pounds of the stuff, that means is limited! Finite things how can endure the sky near-infinite power? So, before the next two lightning to mine I felt from lack of charging is filled. However, the power of heaven and again concentrated over, then the third lightning hit down. To mine have been subconscious is necessary to turn this excess current to lead to the foot to go, but, christian louboutin shoes a bow saw 10,000 ***, ah, here is the Oriental Pearl Tower. Would have to mine the power is not what concerned about electricity to more customary to mine only when ordinary people take a bath from the side of the trunk stream.

However, this time to mine chose the wrong place. This is not the wilderness, here is the most densely populated city in China,discount oakley sunglasses, Shanghai, China. Body is not a mountain, blow up a few pieces of stone on the bombing, would not hurt. The foot of the very iconic building as the Oriental Pearl Tower. So, to mine, not this almost endless destruction of days off to send lightning down but this tower to burnt it very, very, could not take the responsibility to mine. Not the power to send down is necessary to eat into it. The huge current washed down, to force closure, it feels a bit like the alert level of the reservoir has also stopped under a huge flood peak. How does it feel? Unable to speak, only this time to mine feels like burning electrical christian louboutin sneakers body must make it explode. The third Lightning christian louboutin shoes forcibly stopped to mine the body to explode uncomfortable extreme.

But when thunderclouds in the sky to mine now, we have accumulated hundreds of just this level of power of lightning, if forced to severance is likely to let christian louboutin target chaos H stretch to mine did not dare to severance christian louboutin shoes as the Shanghai city will be bombers destroyed. Now only bad up to this area of ​​the Oriental Pearl Tower. Thought of this, with a wry smile to mine once again to meet the fourth store enough potential Pilai down lightning. Over, more than 100 lightning, how to close down? Rapidly to mine heart wondering. How to do, in order of a way, or else went so far as to play down the thunder in the sky hang on to blow up a so-called Raytheon, which was a big joke. , Can the power of the body as infuriating to dispersed on all sides, by the way, vivo electrochemical infuriating if is to generate a ratio of about 100 to generate, but if infuriating disperses go does not cause any harm around the bar.

